Disability Services
Request Services and Accommodations
Northeast Community College encourages students with disabilities to contact Disability Services before or after completing an application to Northeast. Disability related information should be provided directly to the Disability Services office via email disability@northeast.edu or by fax: (402) 844-7412.
Accommodations include a modification or adjustment that allows a student to have equal access and have equal opportunity to participate in Northeast's courses, services, activities, and use of the facilities. Northeast is not obligated to provide an accommodation that requires a substantial change in the curriculum or alteration of any essential elements or functions of a program. Reasonable accommodations are provided on an individualized, as-needed basis.
Students May Request Accommodations Due to a Permanent Disability or for Temporary Health Conditions
- Placement testing
- Classroom and testing accommodations (See Below)
- Residential Life Accommodations
Current Student Prospective Student Early College or Dual Credit Student Request For Accommodations
Prospective Students
Prospective Students, interested in attending Northeast and want to know more about Disability Services, please complete a simple form online or send an email to disability@northeast.edu.
Current Students Needing Accommodations
- Call Adaptive Technology Coordinator Brandy Retzlaff (402) 844-7714; Disability Services Advisors at (402) 844-7700 (Connie Meyer) or (402) 844-7709 (Janet Johnson)
- Or, email disability@northeast.edu
- Or, you may stop by Disability Services at College Welcome Center, 1263 or 1264.
Make an appointment.
*This process is adapted in response to individual circumstances.
Complete Request for Accommodations form found on this page. Have a conversation and share your abilities, interest, educational goals, challenges, your diagnosed condition if known, and adjustments you have had that helped before. During the conversation, discuss the impact your condition may have or has had on participating in education, activities, work, and accessing course material online or in the classroom:
- A diagnosis of a disability does not automatically qualify a student for accommodations under the ADA.
- The Disability Services application is separate from the admissions application. Give disability related information directly to the Disability Services office and not to other Northeast employees. The intent is to respect your right to privacy by keeping confidential your disability related information.
Acceptable sources of documentation for substantiating a student's disability and support for the requested accommodation can come in a variety of forms:
- Student's Self-Report - interview, questionnaire
- Observation and Interpretation - impressions and conclusions formed by experienced disability services personnel
- Information from External and Third Parties - educational records, medical records/reports
We recommend you provide to Disability Services documentation either before or at the initial intake meeting with Disability Services Advisor.
What should be included in disability documentation?
Documentation from External or Third Parties that includes the following information is helpful:
- A clearly stated diagnosis from a qualified professional.
- Diagnostic criteria and evaluation methods used to include procedures, test with scores, clinical narratives, and date evaluation and diagnoses was completed.
- Functional limitations of the disability and side effects of treatments on academia. A statement of the functional impact or limitations of the disability on learning or other major life activities and the degree to which it impacts the individual in physical and program/instructional access for which accommodations are being requested.
- Recommendation for accommodations, adaptive equipment and services, and compensatory services in the post-secondary setting with rationale.
- Testing and assessments used for diagnosis are recent enough to reflect the impact of disability on current life functioning and or age appropriate.
Recent high school graduates should provide a copy of their IEP (Individual Education Program), MDT (MULTIDISCIPLINARY TEAM), Psychological Test reports. If a disability fluctuates or is progressive, updated documentation may be required. People with medical and psychiatric conditions benefit from providing documentation not more than 6 months old reflecting limitations and current impact of treatment on major life activities such as learning. The documentation should provide substantial, clear, and convincing evidence that supports the need for requested academic accommodations.
A typed note on a piece of paper with limited information such as diagnosis on a prescription pad typically is not adequate documentation to support approval for requested accommodations.
Students are responsible for paying costs associated with diagnosis, evaluation, or testing needed to document the existence of a disability and requested accommodations.
Documentation is confidential and stored securely in the student's electronic file. Students are responsible for retaining their own disability related documentation.
What if you do not have any documentation of a disability or have inadequate documentation?
Any student unsure of having adequate documentation or if they know they do not have any documentation pertaining to a disability, but believe a disability may exist, should meet with DS and to receive guidance on how to proceed.
Inadequate Documentation
Northeast has the right to request additional information to determine if a student has a disability and or to determine if requested accommodations are appropriate. When DDS (Director of Disability Services) cannot determine based on current documentation that a disability exists, the student will be provided information of resources to aid in getting assessed/evaluated to obtain adequate documentation to verify a disability exists requiring accommodations.
Northeast reserves the right to deny services or accommodations while the receipt of appropriate documentation is pending.
Disclaimer: Other institutions, agencies and/or programs (e.g., testing agencies, licensure exams, and certification programs) might not accept documentation accepted at Northeast.
While “reasonable accommodations” (auxiliary aids and services and academic adjustments) are just one path to access, they, along with campus-wide consultation and training, are often necessary to afford access to individuals with disabilities. Decisions regarding whether an accommodation is appropriate requires an individualized, interactive process and an understanding of the context the accommodation will be used.
Typical Accommodations
There is no one list of reasonable academic accommodations that will serve the needs of all students with disabilities. Accommodations are determined on an individual basis. An accommodation can affect how a test is taken, but not what it measures.Examination Accommodations
- Testing poses barriers for students with a variety of disabilities because tests usually assume the ability to see, hear, concentrate in a crowded environment, and work under time pressure, among other things. As a result, tests often measure the impact of an impairment rather than measuring what the student knows or has learned. Adaptive exam administration is an accommodation designed to alleviate these barriers so that a test is effective in measuring a student's aptitude, skill, or achievement.
- Distraction-reduced testing environment
- Extended time—common is 1.5 times (does not typically mean extended preparation time)
- Use of technology, such as a computer program to listen to exams (Kurzweil) or screen reader (JAWS)
- Usage of speech recognition software (Dragon NaturallySpeaking)
- Use of dictionary or spell checker
- Rephrasing instructions for clarification
- Test materials provided in alternative format such as large print or
- No Scantrons
- Use of a calculator
Typically, not approved:
- Unlimited Time on Exams
- Usage of Notes, Textbooks, and other memory aids typically are not
Testing Accommodations are coordinated with Northeast Testing Center. Guidelines are provided to schedule exams with the Testing Center.
Classroom Accommodations
- Preferential Seating
- Note taking accommodations may include:
- Copies of Power Point Presentations
- Copies of Peer Class Notes
- Zoom transcripts
- Recording lectures
- Audio/Video Record Classes
- Zoom recording - The student provides their own recording device and discusses with the instructor the best placement of the recording device.
Non-Academic Accommodations
- Residential Life Accommodations
- Animals on Campus
- Dietary access and accommodations
Academic Resources and Supports
Support services available but not limited to the following include:
- Disability Awareness Counseling in relation to how one's disability affects participating at college and assisting students in developing social and behavioral strategies to address impairments.
- Regular appointments to address disability related challenges and benefits of accommodations.
- Assistance with developing learning strategies to work around the impact of the disability.
- Assistance with goal setting, problem solving and personalizing organizational tools.
- Assistance with registration. Working in collaboration with first year advisors.
- Referral to other campus services and appropriate community agencies such as VR (Vocational Rehabilitation), Assistive Technology Partnership, Liberty Centre, Midtown, Professional Partners, etc.
- Referral to community resources for diagnostic assessment, as necessary.
- Assistance connecting with campus based academic supports.
- Self-advocacy training.
What Accommodations are not provided in college to students?
- Personal services that a person with a disability must use regardless of attendance at the College.
- Services of a personal nature (such as homework assistance or personal tutors) or providing diagnostic evaluations of disabilities.
- Personal devices such as wheelchairs, hearing aids, glasses, or personal care assistance. Students requiring personal attendant care assume full responsibility for arranging these services.
- Accommodations that result in a Fundamental Alteration. If an accommodation reduces the academic standards of the college's programs or courses, the college denies the accommodation because it is unreasonable. Academic standards are essential for every student. It is unreasonable to alter these fundamental standards with an accommodation.
Instructors are informed of approved accommodations via Academic Access Letter (AAL). AAL is a confidential document shared to each of the student's instructors through a OneDrive folder or emailed to communicate approved appropriate accommodations, auxiliary aids, and services. The AAL typically does not disclose the nature of a student's disability.
Student and Instructor Discuss Approved Accommodations
- The student and instructors share a mutual responsibility to discuss the AAL content confidentially and how to implement the accommodations.
- Instructors should not provide accommodations to students unless they have received an official Disability Services AAL. Instructors should not ask, nor should a student feel a need to discuss his or her disability with the instructor.
- Adjustments to this process are made for students taking classes online and at the extended campus sites.
- Students must meet the academic and technical program standards expected of all students.
How do I talk to my instructor about my accommodations?
We encourage open communication lines between students, faculty, and disability services.
Contact your instructors to discuss your accommodations
You may wish to email your instructor to request a meeting.
If meeting in person is not possible, you can arrange other means such as phone or zoom.
The important thing is that both you and your instructor have discussed and are comfortable with your accommodation plan. By communicating directly with each instructor, you ensure any questions or concerns can be addressed early on. Disability Services should be consulted if the instructor or you have any concerns.
When you meet, introduce yourself
“Hi, I am ______ and I'm in your (blank) class.”
“I'm working with Disability Services, and you should have received a notice about the accommodations I'll need in this class.”
Focus on access
Information about the nature of the disability you experience is confidential. You are not required to share disability specific information with your instructor. If you are asked about it, you can refer your instructor to Disability Services.
Remember that requests for other accommodations not noted on the AAL or exceptions to course policies require collaboration between disability services, instructional faculty, and the student.
Use the interactive process - if something gives you questions or concerns, bring them to Disability Services. We will work together to resolve. Students may contact DS staff if they have any questions or concerns at any point during the semester regarding the benefit of accommodations or being able to access all course instructions.
Students receive an orientation to DS resources, academic support, accommodation procedures, and assistive technology training. Assistive technology (AT) is any item, piece of equipment, or product system used to increase, maintain, or improve access for individuals with disabilities.
Technology makes it possible for individuals with a wide range of disabilities to have the resources to perform functions and work around barriers encountered in college and in working. Disability Services provides one-on-one personalized training and ongoing support. Training students provides knowledge of technology tools that enable them to use their accommodations and support studying.
Training involves seeing, hearing, and doing. Students learn how to use technology and access other resources. Students are taught the reason for needing these tools to access to college course material, the reason for using the tool as it relates to how they function, and how the tools benefit them not only in college work but may help them on a job and with day-to-day activities.
Early College and Dual Credit Students Needing Accommodations
Schedule a meeting and make a plan for access.
Students enrolled in Early College or dual credit classes at Northeast follows the same procedures as any student requesting accommodations using the Early College or Dual Credit Request for Accommodations Intake form.
Student Identifies. Requests accommodations; calls to makes an appointment; provides documentation | Paperwork - Early College or Dual Credit Request for Accommodation Form |
Intake conversation that includes the completion of paperwork DSA (Disability Services Advisor). | Intake forms reviewed |
Met with DDS to determine accommodations and technology training. | Temporary Accommodation and Academic Support Form is like an IEP or 504 plan is completed with the student and emailed to the student. |
Orientation to specific disability services processes such as how to receive testing accommodations or textbooks in alternative format. May receive training on the usage of technology to include computer software & orientation to academic supports. DSA or ATC (Adaptive Technology Coordinator) | Additional forms |
DSA completes Academic Access Letter, and shares with instructors. | Academic Access Letter (AAL) sent by email to instructor or shared via file in one drive and shared with the student. |
Ongoing support/coaching/guidance – DSA and or ATC. | Training Guides |
Information from the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) in the U. S. Department of Education website, explains the rights and responsibilities of students with disabilities who are preparing to attend postsecondary schools.
Temporary Medical Conditions
Temporary accommodations may be provided as a service to students with temporary conditions so participation in coursework can continue with minimal disruption and with greater ease of access. Although the Americans with Disabilities Act, as Amended (ADAAA) does not cover temporary impairments, Northeast recognizes students experiencing temporary conditions that significantly affect their abilities to fulfill course requirements and could impede academic progress. We work as a team to help a student achieve a successful outcome when faced with an unexpected challenge.
Examples of temporary medical conditions may include pregnancy, fractured bones, surgeries, concussions, acute medical conditions requiring hospitalization, and accidents impairing the student's physical and or cognitive functioning. This procedure is not applicable for a “Transitory” and “Minor” condition such as the flu or having a cold.
A student experiencing an unexpected temporary medical condition with impairments; planned medical care that will result in an impairment impacting course participation; and or interrupt course participation longer than one week, should communicate with all parties who have a need to know.
Call or send an email, describing what occurred or will occur, and explain how the condition will affect course participation, attendance, academic performance and participating in campus life.
- Contact the Dean of Student Success, (402) 844-7282
- Contact the Director of Disability Services (402) 844-7343 or (402) 844-7714
- Send Medical information directly to Disability Services - please keep this information confidential.
- Medical conditions do not have to be disclosed to instructors unless there is a need to know.
DS will gather information to determine eligibility for temporary accommodations and supports. IF eligible, then DDS determines with your appropriate accommodations and supports. Planning requires documentation. The DDS determines what medical documentation is required based upon the reported medical condition or temporary impairment.
The Initial meeting will be in person or by zoom to discuss medical condition, course/program expectations, current academic performance, impact the health condition potentially has on satisfactorily completing course and program requirements, and any input received from your instructors, first year and program advisor. Together, we determine the next steps.
a. Prior to the conversation with DS, when possible, review course requirements detailed in each course syllabus and how your health condition intersects with course requirements to include attendance policies and due dates.
b. We determine if a health care release is required for course/program participation
If needed, provide Health Care Provider contact information and DS will fax a Medical Verification form to the provider to complete. Inform the Health care provider to expect the Request for Medical Information form and sign a required release allowing a Health provider to provide requested information to DS.
The DDS with the student develops an accommodation and academic support plan and determines if technology training is needed to address barriers to access. The plan lists approved academic accommodations and supports. The plan is shared with instructors. Instructor’s input is welcomed.
Planning outcomes may include:
- Classroom and testing accommodations
- Incomplete grade when meeting the criteria. The temporary grade of "I" may be issued when a student has completed most of the course.
- Late term withdrawal
- Reducing course load
Failing to plan and not attending for two weeks can result in being unofficially withdrawn. Financial aid must be informed of the last date of participation.
Accommodations are never intended to give any student an unfair advantage over other students nor fundamentally alter essential functions of a course, modify, or waive academic & technical standards, or give students an unfair advantage.
Remember that, despite this challenging setback, instructors are not to lower the standards of expectations for their courses. Instructors will work with students to make reasonable accommodations, but students should recognize that each course and each instructor will have varying expectations as to how the requirements for their respective courses must be met. Sometimes it is not possible to complete required coursework or meet program requirements, even with reasonable and appropriate accommodations.
Hours and Location
Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Fridays 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Located in the College Welcome Center
AT Lab CWC 1264
Individual Study Rooms CWC 1255, 1257, 1262
Email: disability@northeast.edu
Phone: (402) 844-7714
Fax (402) 844-7412