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Disability Services

Assistive Technology Services

The Adaptive Technology Lab (AT Lab)

Disability Services supports and maintains accessible computer workstations with Assistive Technology in the AT Lab. Assistive technology (AT) makes it possible for individuals with a wide range of disabilities to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible. Disability Services aids students' success through one-on-one personalized training and ongoing support. Through training, students are exposed to and gain knowledge of tools which enable them to use their accommodations and assist with study and organizational skills.

Services and Resources Available in the AT Lab

  • Students receives one-on-one training on the use of supportive technologies
  • Drop in or schedule meetings for additional training or help
  • Students may use the lab as a reduced distraction environment for studying
  • Students have access to a wide variety of software, hardware, and other assistive tools
  • Students receive assistance identifying and developing technology-assisted learning and work strategies
  • Access to and training in the use of textbooks in alternative format

Examples of tools used for accessing materials using accommodations:

Exams provided orally Kurzweil 3000
Speech to text software Dragon, Google Voice Type,Microsoft Dictate
Text to speech software Kurzweil, Natural Reader, Immersive Reader, Read Aloud
Recording lectures Windows Voice Recorder, One Note

Hours and Location

Monday-Thursday 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
Fridays 7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Located in the College Welcome Center
AT Lab CWC 1264
Individual Study Rooms CWC 1255, 1257, 1262


Paige Parsons
phone: (402) 844-7343
office: CWC 1263

Services Provided by Other Offices on Campus