Counseling Services
Campus Advocate
Office Location: College Welcome Center Room 1230
Office Hours: Mondays and Thursdays 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Phone: (402) 992-3828
Bright Horizons 24 Hour Crisis Line: (877) 379-3798
The Northeast Campus Advocate offers confidential victim advocacy to students, faculty, and staff in the Northeast community.
What is Campus Advocacy?
The Northeast Campus Advocate is here to support victims of crime by advocating on their behalf, offering assistance in navigating the criminal justice system, providing emotional support, or simply sharing crime victim rights and reporting options. The Campus Advocate offers these confidential services free of cost to all Northeast students, staff, and faculty.
What does "confidential" mean?
The Campus Advocate is a confidential person on campus to whom you can talk and ask questions. "Confidential" means that you are able to speak openly about your experiences. Crimes disclosed to the Advocate will not be reported to law enforcement. The Advocate is a non-mandatory reporter of Title IX and will only disclose information you provide with your permission. There are certain limitations to this confidentiality, however. They include; if you suggest you intend to harm yourself or others; and suspected abuse and/or neglect of children and elderly. In addition, if the Advocate suspects a safety risk to the campus community, she is required to report it to campus authorities.
What does the Campus Advocate do?
The Campus Advocate may provide a variety of services to victims of crime including assistance with the following:
- Emotional support
- Providing information on victim rights
- Providing referrals to campus and community resources
- Providing information about reporting options
- Navigating the criminal justice system
- Going with clients to legal proceedings
- Going with clients who want to get medical assistance
- Safety planning
- Case management
Who can contact the Campus Advocate?
Anyone in the Northeast Community is encouraged to contact the Campus Advocate if they feel they need assistance.
Who can receive services for the Campus Advocate?
Services can be accessed by anyone in the Northeast Community.
What can you expect from the Campus Advocate?
When meeting with the Campus Advocate you can expect to receive empathy, compassion, and confidential support.