Campus Alert
Help Northeast keep you informed of emergency situations
We believe that your safety on the Norfolk campus and at our Extended Campuses is of paramount importance. Campus Alert is available to all staff, faculty and enrolled students. Northeast's Campus Alert system will disseminate timely emergency notifications and weather announcements via text message, email, and voicemail messages.
Campus Alert FAQs
Q. What is Rave Alert?
We have partnered with Rave Mobile Safety, the leader in mobile safety, to offer an emergency notification system, Rave Alert, capable of sending users text, voice, and email messages.
Q. What type of messages will I receive?
We will only send you messages related to emergencies and severe weather. You will never receive advertisements and your information is never provided to advertisers.
Q. Who can subscribe/use the service?
Student, staff, and faculty members of Northeast Community College are already subscribed. Wayne State College and UNMC students who attend class in one of Northeast's buildings including those located in Norfolk, South Sioux City, West Point and O'Neill need to register to receive campus alerts.The general public can subscribe by visiting our login page and clicking Register. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how to register.
Q. What is my user name?
Your user name is the email address you registered for classes with. Your password was sent to your selected email address in a confirmation email. If you didn't receive a confirmation email request a new password.
Q. How do I update my contact information?
On the My Account page click the Edit button next to the type of information you want to update.
Q. How do I opt out of alerts?
On the My Account page click the red stop symbol next to the type of alert you want to discontinue. At this time primary email addresses cannot be removed from our alert system. If you are no longer associated with Northeast and you receive an alert please disregard and block the email address. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how add, edit or remove your alert methods.
Q. How do I change my password?
On the My Account page click the change button in the Password box and follow the steps to create a new password.
Q. What mobile phone carriers are supported?
All U.S. mobile carriers are supported.
Q. What if my cell phone number changes?
If your mobile number ever changes, please login to the site and update your contact details. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how add, edit or remove your alert methods.
Q. What if my cell phone provider changes?
If you keep the same mobile number, and simply change cell phone provider, you do not have to change anything however it may take several weeks for your mobile provider to update the Rave Alert system. During that time it is possible that you will not be able to receive messages unless you login to update your carrier information.
Q. Will I receive advertisements or text messaging SPAM?
No, never. We respect your privacy and you will never receive anything besides official Northeast Community College communication.
Q. How will I identify incoming messages from Campus Alert?
You will be sent messages from what are know as short codes. The messages will come from either 67283 or 226787. We encourage you to save these numbers into your phone so you will recognize them when messages are sent. Some smaller carriers do not support short code messaging. For these carriers, you will receive messages from
Q. How do I stop getting text messages?
To stop getting messages, you may login to the site and remove your number, or text the word, "STOP" to 67283. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how add, edit or remove your alert methods.
Q. Who do I contact for assistance?
If you need assistance, please contact us.
Q. How and when is a decision made to have a late start, close for the entire day, or close early in the day?
The decision to have a late start or close will rarely be made the night before a forecasted storm. Sometimes forecasted storms miss us or are not as severe as anticipated. The decision to have a late start or close for the entire day will be made by 5:30 am and published or broadcast on the methods detailed in the next question. If weather worsens during the class day, a decision will be made to close early by administrators and announced over the paging system in college buildings for the Norfolk campus. The decision will also be published or broadcast using the methods below. A decision to cancel night classes will be made by 3 pm and published or broadcast as indicated below.
College administrators take several factors in to account when making such a decision,
including the following:
- Weather conditions in Norfolk or at our Extended Campuses
- Clearing of campus or Extended Campus parking lots in time for class
- Department of Roads information
You may check the state highway information system at or call 511.
The decision made for the Norfolk campus and the three Extended Campuses in O’Neill, West Point, and South Sioux City (College Center) may differ based on weather conditions at each site.
Q. How do I find out if there has been a late start or cancellation of campus operations due to the weather?
The college web site will be updated with a message of the status of the Norfolk campus and three college Extended Campuses shortly after a decision has been made. The college television station, KHWK, which is Channel 15 in communities served by CableOne, will post a message and local media outlets will be informed of the decision.
Q. If the campus has a late start, when am I expected to attend class?
If more than one half of your class can be conducted when the college opens, you should report to that class at the time the college opens. If more than one-half of your class is over when the campus opens, do not report to that class but plan on attending your next class at the regularly-scheduled time.
Q. Do we ever change our status from late start to closed?
Unfortunately, sometimes weather conditions change for the worse after we announce a late start. If a late start has been announced, please check the web page, KHWK, which is Channel 15 in communities served by CableOne, or your favorite radio or tv station for updates immediately before leaving home.
Q. If the road conditions are hazardous, do I still need to come to class if the campus is open?
Students are to use their own discretion about traveling on hazardous winter roads. Please contact your instructors as soon as possible when you cannot make it to class because of weather/road conditions.
Faculty contact information is available in your course syllabus. If you do not have a course syllabus, please call the college switchboard (402) 371-2020 or (800) 348-9033, Monday through Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. After you reach the switchboard operator, tell him/her what you are studying at Northeast and ask that your call be directed to your academic dean for additional information.
Q. What happens if the weather turns bad during the daytime hours?
If bad weather occurs during the day, the college may close and information will be announced on the campus paging system for the Norfolk campus noting the time the college will close, as well as through the other sources noted for all of the sites.
Q. How do I know if the college will be open for evening classes?
College administration will monitor the weather throughout the day. If conditions warrant a cancellation of evening classes, an announcement will be made on the campus paging system and notifications sent to local media outlets prior to 3:00 p.m. Check the college website, KHWK, which is Channel 15 in communities served by CableOne, and your local media for the most up-to-date information.
Q. If the college is closed, are student activities going to be held as scheduled?
If the college is closed, generally student activities are also cancelled during the time the college is closed.
Q. Should I report to work if classes are cancelled?
As a general rule, if the weather is severe enough to warrant cancelling classes, employees are not expected to be at work either. However, certain college positions include responsibilities that require those employees to be at work. Those employees will be notified by their supervisors of their work assignments.
Q. When there is a closing of the campus or a late start, can I still come to the college and work?
If the campus is closed, employees should not report for work until the time announced that the college will reopen. The purpose of a late start is to allow time for clearing of parking lots, road, and sidewalks to create a safe environment for students and staff.
Q. What if I can't get to work due to hazardous road conditions?
Employees who cannot make it to work because of hazardous driving conditions should call their supervisor as soon as possible and make arrangements to make up the time missed or to take annual leave or a personal day.Students, faculty and staff who attend class or work on any Northeast property can register to receive Campus Alerts. It's important to know what's going on in an emergency situation. Register here. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how to register.
As a Wayne State College or UNMC student, faculty or staff who attend class or work on any Northeast property; you are eligible to register to receive Campus Alerts. It's important to know what's going on in an emergency situation. Register here. Need help? Follow these step by step instructions on how to register.