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State Licensure For Programs

Federal Regulation requires all higher education institutions that offer an academic program that is either designed to meet educational requirements for a professional license or certification or is advertised as meeting such requirements, to provide students with information about whether completion of that program would meet licensure requirements in a state for that occupation.

Students enrolled in a Northeast program for licensure and/or certification can find the states where that licensure and/or certification is applicable listed below. Northeast has also identified where the program curriculum may not meet requirements of other states. Since specific requirements vary, students should obtain information from the state in which they plan to practice.

NC-SARA Participating Institution badge CareerOneStop is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment, and Training Administration providing a survey tool for locating regulatory bodies associated with licensed professions in each state. NC-SARA provides a Professional Licensure Directory with contact information for some programs that lead to professional licensure.

Northeast Community College is approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.