Scholastic Contest and Quiz Bowl
2024 Results -
Congratulations to these high schools for their accomplishments:
Scholastic Contest
- Class C 1st Place:
Pierce High School
Sponsor: Crys Bauermeister
- Class C 2nd Place:
West Point-Beemer High School
Sponsor: Nancy Guenther - Class C 3rd Place:
Battle Creek Public School
Sponsor: Jeff Heimes
- Class D 1st Place:
Howells-Dodge Consolidated School
Sponsor: Traci Sindelar
- Class D 2nd Place:
Bancroft-Rosalie School
Sponsor: James Hulstein
- Class D 3rd Place:
O'Neill-St. Mary's
Sponsor: Paula Atkeson
Quiz Bowl
- 1st Place:
Norfolk Catholic
Sponsor: Josh Springer
- 2nd Place:
St. Mary's Catholic School
Sponsor: Erika Winkelbauer
- 3rd Place:
Sponsor: James Hulstein
Save the Date
March 19, 2025
Scholastic Contest
What is the Scholastic Contest?
It is an academic competition on a variety of subjects for high school students, grades 9-12, offered in Class C and Class D divisions. Students are allowed to take two exams, but cannot repeat a previously taken exam. Medals are awarded to individual students in each exam for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each class division. Points are also awarded to the student's respective high school with the top three schools in each class division receiving award plaques. A scholarship is awarded to the school whose team places first in each class of competition-Class C and Class D.
Save the Date
April 9, 2025
Quiz Bowl
What is Quiz Bowl?
It is a double-elimination competition between two teams of four players, from the same Class C or Class D high school, enrolled in grades 9-12. Points are awarded for correct answers to questions taken from all areas of academic knowledge as well as current events. The team with highest number of points at end of each round advances in competition. A plaque is given to the school winning the competition and medals are awarded to team members.