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The 1990s brought a new era to the college. In 1991, the name was officially changed to Northeast Community College; however, the College had been using the name since 1986 to show a more comprehensive curriculum.

Longtime President Dr. Robert Cox retired in 1995. The Activities Center was renamed in honor of Dr. Cox and his wife, Helenann. Dr. James Underwood, former chief academic officer at Richland Community College in Decatur, IL, was named his successor.

The campus continually changed and grew during the 1990s to meet the needs of the students and program areas. This decade saw the construction of a 48-bed addition onto the college dormitory (1992); the Ag/ Allied Health Building (1992); Diesel Technology (1995); an expansion onto the Student Center (1999); and the Lifelong Learning Center (LLC) in 1997. Some $2.5 million was raised to construct the LLC, including a $1 million donation by former “Tonight Show” host and Norfolk native Johnny Carson.

Northeast Community College also expanded into its 20-county service region by opening a regional education center in a former elementary school in O’Neill and a regional office in West Point (both in 1998).

Several new programs began during the decade including Associate Degree Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Electromechanical Technology, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)/Paramedic, Behavioral Science, and Early Childhood Education.

The Community Services Division was reorganized in 1997 resulting in a new division under Educational Services, Continuing Education and Distance Learning. Distance-learning offerings via two-way, interactive technology expanded from one course in 1995 to 111 credit courses seven years later.

Several new endeavors occurred under the Student Services Division in the 1990s. The advising, counseling, and career planning functions of the Career Achievement Center were merged into Student Services. The Student Ambassadors program was established during the decade, as was the Student Activities Council, which gives students the opportunity to assist with campus activities. Northeast Community College also created the Student Life Department and a Transfer and International Student Admissions Office.