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Ambition Lacking? Talk Might Provide Some New Insights

Ambition Lacking? Talk Might Provide Some New Insights

NORFOLK, Neb. – The first Hawk Talk of the year will deal with a topic that many employees may not know as much about as they think – laziness.

Chelsea Schutter, a Northeast adjunct instructor, will deliver a talk called, “In Defense of Laziness.” It will be on Thursday, Sept. 12, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Lower Level of Union 73.
Do you continue to say "yes" to tasks or projects, even though you're already overwhelmed?  Do you feel like people in your life are just apathetic to everything that needs to be done?

“Chelsea will discuss what lies about laziness exist in society, how they show up in our lives and relationships, and the controversy of what we can do about it to enhance our wellness,” said Paul Muncy, who developed Hawk Talks at Northeast. Schutter’s content is based in part from "Laziness Does Not Exist" by Devon Price.

Schutter is a therapist in Norfolk. Her practice is Sea Change Therapy Services. She moved to Norfolk in 2020 after living in Lincoln. Prior to that, she lived in Baltimore. Before opening her practice, she worked for the state in both the court and prison systems.

Muncy, who is a history/geography instructor, originated Hawk Talks in 2021 after he reached out to his colleagues to see if they would have an interest in developing a series of public lectures for both students and the public. He wants people who desire intellectual stimulation in their lives to attend and make a night of it.

Hawk Talks are free and open to everyone. Refreshments will be served beginning at 6:30 p.m. 

Hawk Talks Return
Paul Muncy, who began Hawk Talks in 2021, introduces the speaker before each one. The first one of the 2024-25 school year will be Thursday, Sept. 12, on the topic of laziness. (Northeast Community College)