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O’Neill has new courses offering help from leadership to nursing

O’Neill has new courses offering help from leadership to nursing

O’NEILL, Neb. -- The O'Neill extended campus is offering some classes and assistance with filling out financial aid forms that might be of interest for residents, especially from north central Nebraska.

NURSE AIDE. This course is designed to meet the Nebraska Health and Human Services System training requirements for nurse aide certification and employment in long-term care facilities. This course combines classroom lecture and laboratory application for the development of basic skills needed to provide safe, effective, and caring services to the elderly or chronically ill patient of any age, in a long-term care facility. 

Upon completion of this course, participants will be eligible to take the state written and practical skills exam. After successfully passing this examination and completing the application procedure, the person’s name will be placed on the basic nurse aide registry at the Nebraska Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, Credentialing Division. 

Book is available at the O’Neill Extended Campus. ISBN #1017-4227 and Competency Skills Packet ISBN #1010-9632. 

An additional $45 fee will be required for those who choose to register to take the Certified Nursing Assistant exam at the end of the course. This $45 fee will be required at the time of the non-credit exam registration. The class is Hybrid. It meets Mon., Tues., 9 a.m. to 3:35 p.m. Room 105. The instructor is Karen Hoffman, and it is worth three credits. The cost is $384 plus $85.60 for textbooks. The class is now through Feb. 6 (NURA1110/24S) CRN#26115.

CROCHET: BEGINNER. Participants will learn the basics of crochet as they make a useful and long-lasting dishcloth. This class is for students with no crochet experience. Participants will learn how to chain and single crochet. Upon registration, they will receive a list of the materials needed to purchase before class begins. Register early to purchase materials in advance, Wed., Jan. 24, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in Room 132. The instructor is Cheryl Cambras. The cost is $20.  (HOEC5130/24S) CRN#70151     

Thursday, Jan. 25
9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Schedule an appointment for one-on-one assistance with the FAFSA by calling 402-336-3590. Bring 2022 tax returns and W-2’s for both parent(s) and student, as well as login information from

LEAD FROM WHERE YOU ARE. Being a leader doesn’t always mean having a title. Many people provide leadership informal ways. Leading is much more about influence than it is about title. This session takes a critical look at leadership myths, discusses the differences between management and leadership, explains elements of leadership that everyone possesses and provides strategies for leading from whatever position attendees currently hold. Thurs., Jan. 25, from 9 a.m. to noon in Room 104. The instructor is Dan Kuester. The cost is $150 (LEAD5150/24S) CRN#70115.

MEDICATION AIDE. This course is designed to prepare participants to meet the requirements of the Medication Aide Act and the responsibilities of the medication aide in an assisted living facility or nursing facility. This course includes information regarding medication administration, pharmacology, rules and regulations, classification of drugs, orders, storage, abbreviations and an overview of commonly used drugs and documentation.

Upon completion of this course, participants are eligible to take the state administered written exam. After successfully passing this examination and completing the application procedure, the person’s name will be placed on the medication aide registry at the Nebraska Health and Human Services Regulation and Licensure, Credentialing Division.

The book is available at the O’Neill Extended Campus. ISBN#1010-9656. Mon., Tues., Fri., Sat., 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. No class Sat., Feb. 24, Room 105. The instructor is Karen Hoffman. It is worth three credits, and the cost is $384 plus $73.30 for the textbook.
