NORFOLK, Neb. – A monthly evening lecture series at Northeast Community College returns this week.
A talk on “Vikings on camels” will lead off the first Hawk Talks series of the fall semester. Adjunct History Instructor Kathryn Hain’s presentation, “Vikings on Camels – Norse Slave Trade on the Silk Road,” will be held Thursday, Sept.14, at 7 p.m., in the College’s Union 73, lower level.
"We always study Vikings as the bane of the Northern Seas and first settlers in the Americas,” Hain said. “This illustrated lecture leans on Arabic texts to describe the Vikings as they crossed Russia, then turned south to sell furs in Baghdad and slave girls on the Silk Roads.”
Paul Muncy, history/geography instructor, originated Hawk Talks in 2021 after he reached out to his colleagues to see if they would have an interest in developing a series of public lectures for both students and the general public. He wants people who desire intellectual stimulation in their lives to attend and make a night of it.
"Many of us enjoy reading popular works by academics and watching YouTube videos of things like TED Talks and other lectures given by scholars; the Hawk Talk series is a chance to experience that type of wonder and curiosity in a live environment, with the joy of being around other curious minds, and having the expert right in front of you so you can ask them questions."
Two other Hawk Talks lectures are scheduled this semester including “The Impact of Education on Our Experiences,” by English Instructor Tom Elliot on October 12, and “She’s the Worst Cat in the Village: Agatha Christie’s Feline Detection,” by English Instructor Emma Burris-Janssen on November 9. This will be a companion piece to complement the Northeast Community College/Norfolk Community Theatre production of Agatha Christie's “A Murder is Announced” in October.
Hawk Talks are free and open to everyone. Refreshments will be served beginning at 6:30 p.m.