NORFOLK, Neb. – Northeast Community College has welcomed five new faculty members this fall. The instructors teach in the divisions of applied technology and business and humanities.
New instructors are:
Dr. Theresa Bane, Norfolk, psychology. Born in Sacramento, Calif., Bane earned an associate of arts degree from Sierra College and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Anthropology from California State University in Sacramento. She later received a Master of Science in Psychology and her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Walden University.
Previously, Bane held educational positions as a tutor, educational consultant, a 3rd grade teacher for the Orangeburg County School District and served as an adjunct faculty member of psychology and sociology through the greater Sacramento region.
Automotive Technology Instructor Dan Heikes, Winside, is a native of Wayne and is a graduate of Wayne High School. He has earned credentials through the GM (General Motors) Training Center in Omaha and through AC Delco. Heikes has been an ASE (Automotive Service Excellence) Certified Master Technician for 28 years and ASE certified in Advanced Level Performance for 22 years. He previously was employed by Heikes Automotive in Wayne for 37 years and two years at the GM dealership in Wayne.
Heikes and his wife, Tanya, have two sons, Dustin and Garrett.
Dr. Ryan Sevening, Vermillion, So. Dak., media arts – broadcasting. A graduate of Vermillion High School, Sevening went on to pursue a Bachelor of Arts degree in Mass Communications, a Master of Arts in Contemporary Media and Journalism and a Doctor of Education in Adult Education, Higher Education from the University of South Dakota.
Sevening has industry experience in broadcasting where he served as chief photographer at KCAU TV in Sioux City, Iowa, and as a sports intern at KELO-TV in Sioux Falls, So. Dak. He has also served as an adjunct instructor at South Dakota State University, Northwest Iowa Community College and Northeast Community College.
Brandon Sohl, machining and manufacturing, Tarnov, is a graduate of Columbus High School. He earned an Associate of Applied Science degree in Precision Machining and Automation from Southeast Community College. Prior to joining Northeast, he was employed by Columbus Hydraulics as a CNC (Computer Numerical Control) programmer and tool and die maker.
Sohl and his wife, Kaytlyn, have two sons, Colt and Connor.
Economics Instructor Drew Steinhauser, Norfolk, is a graduate of Norfolk Senior High School. He later went on to earn a Bachelor of Business Administration degree from Baylor University where he majored in Business Fellows, Economics and Finance. He also has a Master of Science in Applied Economics from Johns Hopkins University.
Prior to becoming a full-time faculty member, Steinhauser served as an instructor in Computer Sciences for Pathways to Tomorrow and an as adjunct instructor for Northeast where he taught personal finance.
The 2023-24 academic year at Northeast Community College began Monday, Aug. 21.
PHOTO IDs: Theresa Bane, Dan Heikes, Ryan Sevening, Brandon Sohl, and Drew Steinhauser.