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Drug and Alcohol Counseling

Degrees and Programs

Individuals looking to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with substance use and addiction can quickly and reasonably prepare themselves to provide competent, informed, and caring support to others seeking a road to recovery by completing the Drug and Alcohol Counseling Certificate at Northeast Community College.

Northeast Community College offers online coursework to meet the 270 clock hours of education required for initial licensure of alcohol and drug counselors. Key skills and information gained include counseling theory, helping skills, documentation, ethics, multicultural sensitivity, drug and medication effects, treatment planning, group leadership, and more. These courses have been approved by the State of Nebraska Division of Public Health. In addition to the coursework, licensure requires a 300-hour practicum. To learn more about the practicum requirements, please visit Statutes Relating to Alcohol and Drug Counseling on the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services website.

The coursework for the Drug and Alcohol Counseling Certificate is offered entirely online, with some course sections available in person as well, to provide you with the flexibility to complete the program where you are, when it works best for you. With the online program option, many students are able to juggle work, family and other obligations while pursuing their credential.

Instructor Bios

Courses and Program Options

* Program is available online.

Financial Assistance

Receive financial support through the PLADC Student Support Grant

The Nebraska Legislature allocated more than $25 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to the Behavioral Health Education Center in 2022 to address the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shortage of behavioral health professionals. The funds cover projects in four award categories: behavioral health training opportunities, telebehavioral health support in rural areas, behavioral health workforce projects to address the COVID-19 pandemic, and funding for supervision of provisionally licensed behavioral health providers currently employed in Nebraska.

Northeast Community College was awarded grant funding in the Behavioral Health Training Opportunities category. The NECC funded project, the PLADC Student Support Grant, is designed to provide stipend support to students pursuing PLADC licensure. These stipend funds help to offset the financial cost of completing both the educational and practicum requirements to become eligible for the PLADC in Nebraska.


Anyone accepted into the Drug Alcohol Counseling Certificate program is eligible to apply for stipend funds as part of the grant which includes up to $3,000 living stipend, up to $1,300 computer/ course materials stipend (eligibility requirements apply for computer)/ $3,200 practicum stipend.

Application and Deadline

Submit Your Application

Application Deadline:
For Summer 2025 start: March 1, 2025 (A Fall 2025 cohort will be chosen from all applicants who did not receive prior funding as funds are available)

Awardees will be notified prior to the start of classes for the appropriate term. An orientation, advising, and program completion plan will be required prior to the release of funds.

Career Information

Career opportunities primarily include Substance Use Counselor. Other options include Behavioral Health Technician, Community and/or Family Support Worker, and Social and Human Service Assistants.

Earn a Degree

These credit courses may also be applied to an Associate of Arts Degree with a concentration in Human Services at Northeast.

Financial Assistance

Our Financial Aid staff works with students, parents, and counselors to help meet the cost of a college education. Visit Financial Aid for more information.

Salary Information

View Northeast Nebraska and Nebraska wage scales for Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors

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