Administrative Professional - Computer Application Specialist
Degrees and Programs
Learn the latest office methods and develop strong technology skills as a part of Northeast's Administrative Assistant program. You'll learn how to present a professional image and work with a variety of people.
Courses and Program Options
* Program is available online.
The Computer Application Specialist Administrative Assistant concentration is designed to prepare you for entry level work in any setting that requires extensive knowledge and sills of computer application software. Intensive study in word processing, spreadsheet, database, and web page development software applications will prepare you for today's modern office or work place.
Our program is active with the International Association of Administrative Professionals (IAAP). This organization will provide you with networking and learning opportunities.
Career Information
Salary Information
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, depending on your area of concentration, salaries for entry-level administrative assistants in Nebraska is $25,960.
Jodie Altwine, Rely Real Estate
Hunter Bergman, XPM
Dan Goeken, Insight Financial Plannine
Whitney Kiepke, Norfolk Mutual Insurance
Tanner Lancaster, State Farm
Jason Love, Midwest Bank
Tami Pick, Day Companies
Jordan Suehl, BankFirst
Kelle Tichota, Norfolk Area Chamber of Commerce
Andy Pfeifer, Farm Credit
Pamela Camarillo, Great West Casualty
Amy Kakacek, Salem Real Estate