Extended Campus Courses

Get personalized support and access to quality courses in your area.

Shared courses are available in O'Neill, South Sioux City and West Point. This delivery option provides students with the experience where an instructor is in one location and classes are broadcast to other classrooms of students. This experience provides students the opportunity to come into a local classroom and learn in a supportive environment of other students. Students have easy access to the instructor and build relationships with fellow students and support staff at each location.

Upcoming Spring 2024 Courses

Course Title Instructor Day/Time CRN Delivery
ARTS 1060 Art History Whitlock TR 8:00-9:15 ONL - 26050
SSC - 22668
WPT - 26127
Originate from South Sioux City
deliver virtually to O'Neill and West Point
ENGL 1020 Comp II Burris - Janssen TR 11:00-12:15 pm ALL - 20506 Originate from Norfolk
deliver virtually to O'Neill, South Sioux City and West Point
PSYC 1810 Intro to Psychology Larson TR 12:30-1:45 ONL - 26106
SSC - 26105
WPT - 26107
Originate from South Sioux City
deliver virtually to O'Neill and West Point
SPCH 1110 Public Speaking McCoy TR 2:00-3:15 pm ONL - 26049
SSC - 23582
WPT - 26129
Originate from South Sioux City
deliver virtually to O'Neill and West Point
BIOS 2460 Microbiology Rasmussen TR 4:00-5:15 ONL - 25325/25326
WPT - 26153/26154
Originate from O'Neill
deliver virtually to West Point
SPAN 1200 Elementary Spanish I Villicana TR 4:00-5:15 pm ONL - 26048
SSC - 23986
WPT - 26130
Originate from South Sioux City
deliver virtually to O'Neill and West Point
BSAD/MATH 2170 Applied Statistics Schartz TR 5:30 - 6:45 pm ONL - 26083
SSC - 26086
WPT - 26082
Originate from O'Neill
deliver virtually to South Sioux City and West Point
ENGL 1010 Comp I Rastede T 5:30-7:30 pm ALL - 25107 Originate from Norfolk
deliver virtually to O'Neill, South Sioux City and West Point
HPER 1550 Lifetime Wellness Taylor MW 5:00-6:15 ONL - 26124
SSC - 26045
WPT - 26123
Originate from South Sioux City
deliver virtually to O'Neill and West Point

Ready to Start?

Step 1: Contact Us

Let's talk about your goals and discuss options to achieve those. We can help map out your personalized pathway.

Step 2: Apply

Before starting courses, you will need to apply to Northeast.
Apply Now

Step 3: Register

After you have applied and are ready to register, contact us to help you through the process.