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‘Week of Welcome’ Designed to Enhance College Experience

‘Week of Welcome’ Designed to Enhance College Experience

NORFOLK, Neb. – What a week it has been. What a swell mood so many students are in.

The start of the academic year for Northeast Community College began Monday, Aug. 19, with students returning to class. And to help students get to know each other and learn that college can be fun, Northeast hosted activities known as the “Week of Welcome.”

Sponsored by the Student Activities Council, special welcoming activities took place each day this week, concluding Thursday, Aug. 22, with an unusual, fast-paced bingo game.

Allisa Gubbels, college engagement coordinator, said Northeast has completed a Week of Welcome for years, but switched up some of the activities this year. The idea is to boost student participation and help ease students transition into classes.

Thursday evening featured what is known as Black Light Bingo. It is like traditional bingo except the lights are turned down, with flashing lights and fluorescent markers to mark cards. Plus, it is super-fast – about as fast as a person can read numbers.

Students must pay attention as numbers are drawn quickly, with prizes awarded and the next game started -- sometimes before the student receiving the prize can get back to his or her seat. The pace and flashing lights are designed to appeal to younger players.

“Students liked Black Light Bingo so much last year that we decided to bring it as a Week of Welcome event,” Gubbels said.

There were some special prizes as well, such as inflatable furniture, small fans, over-the-door basketball hoops and various cards and board games. Some students arrive at college with little to nothing, so they very much appreciate the prizes.

Northeast has a capacity of 565 students who live in the residence halls, with many of them attending the welcome events. Some faculty and staff and off-campus students attended as well.

Wednesday was the welcome back picnic. Students munched on a picnic meal outdoors that included pulled pork sandwiches and chicken strips. There were four bouncy houses for children of all ages to have fun, including some of the staff and faculty.

Last year it was so hot that the picnic was moved indoors. This year the weather cooperated, although gusty winds at times made everyone pay attention to their plates.

Tuesday was Club Carnival. Student leaders and their advisers had tables and games set up where new students and others could inquire about the clubs. In the past, this sometimes included a “root beer kegger.” The idea of having games where each club could invite students to play games was designed to make it more relaxed and informal.

Magical Monday featured the Kona Ice truck, with free snow cones. Events all week included T-shirts in bright colors, with tie-dyed colors featured on Monday. 

Gubbels has started her second year as the college engagement coordinator. She attended Northeast just a few years ago and was part of the Students Activities Council team, so she remembers well what students enjoy.

“My big push is to bring it back to how it was in 2019 before Covid hit,” she said. 

Black Light Bingo game
Flashing lights and numbers called quickly kept students entertained during Black Light Bingo at Northeast Community College in the lower level of Union 73 on Thursday evening. (Northeast Community College)
