NORFOLK, Neb. – A popular conference geared toward women in agriculture will be held this spring at Northeast Community College.
Registration is currently underway for the 12th annual Northeast Community College AG-ceptional Women’s Conference – a day-long event to be held Fri., March 12, originating from the Lifelong Learning Center on the Northeast campus in Norfolk with opportunities to attend off-campus as well. This year’s conference theme is “AGssential.”
The AG-ceptional Women’s Conference - northeast Nebraska’s premier event for women in agriculture - is typically held each November, but the COVID-19 pandemic postponed the event to March. Typically attracting over 400 women who come together for a full day of networking, professional development and personal growth opportunities, this year’s event has been scaled back with a limited number of tickets available. However, there will be no shortage of events, workshops and presentations for those who attend.
The AG-ceptional Women’s Conference will feature over 20 speakers who will share their experiences and expertise on a range of topics pertaining to crop and livestock production, financial planning, and personal well-being. This includes farm transitioning, plant identification, soil health, hiring interns on the family farm, injury treatment and preventions, communication techniques, and many others. Exhibits and networking opportunities will also be available.
“We’ve had to be very flexible with planning the conference this year, as pretty much every aspect of it has changed in some way,” said Karmen Hake, conference spokesperson. “Instead of one general admission ticket, we now have five ticket-types, including attendance in Norfolk as well as attendance at each of the Northeast extended campus locations in O’Neill, South Sioux City, and West Point. We have also included a virtual ticket where participants will be able to attend sessions via Zoom.”
The opening session will feature a humorous speaker who illustrates the importance of energy, attitude, and motivation. Larry Weaver grew up in the rural village of Saxapahaw, N.C., where he spent much of his childhood working “involuntarily” on his uncle’s farm.
“From topping tobacco, to picking beans, to shucking corn, to harvesting potatoes, Larry has lived it,” Hake said. “He has a heart and understanding for farmers and the struggles they face. I’m certain attendees will laugh, learn, and leave feeling inspired and encouraged to live their full potential and creative best each day.”
The closing session, “12 Reasons,” is described as a discussion on “how this past year has changed us for the better.” Hake said 12 strong women will share the reasons they have changed their perspective on life and the way they live it.
“It will be an uplifting message about how we move forward and use the positives we have found in this past year to improve our lives.”
A tribute to the 2020 Ag-Ceptional Woman of the Year will also be a highlight of the conference.
Breakfast and lunch are also served for those who attend in person. Hake said registration fees vary by the type of attendance.
“The fee for those who attend in person in Norfolk is $44 and it’s $40 for those who attend in O’Neill, South Sioux City, and West Point. For those who attend virtually, it’s $22. Our fees remain affordable because of the support we receive from the many sponsors of our event.”
To register or learn more about the Ag-Ceptional Women’s Conference, go online to For additional information, email Hake, call (402) 844-7181.
Hake said, “We wouldn’t be able to hold our conference without the help of our valued sponsors who have adapted right along with us, and have been very supportive, despite all of the changes that we have made to the conference experience.”