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Adult Education

Learn more about ABE/GED® and ELL/Life Skills

Take the GED tests for free

The Adult Education Department at Northeast offers the following services:

  • Preparation for citizenship testing
  • Instruction in basic skills such as reading, writing, and mathematics (ABE)
  • Preparation and testing for a high school diploma (GED®)
  • English language learner (ELL)
  • Integrated Education and Training

The program is free to anyone 16 years of age or older and not enrolled in a secondary school. Students who are under the age of 18, must meet the requirements of Nebraska Revised Statute 79-202 ( The first step for students is to complete a registration form and take diagnostic tests to determine what skills are needed and develop a learning plan. Students are required to attend an orientation session prior to beginning class. Orientation dates for the first session can be found in the additional resources below.

Programs Available

Need Assistance or More Information?

Norfolk, O’Neill, and West Point:
For more information about Adult Basic Education classes, please call (402) 844-7255, email, or stop by our Norfolk office at Northeast's Norfolk Campus. 801 East Benjamin Avenue, L Building.

South Sioux City:
For more information about Adult Basic Education classes, please call (402) 241-6415, email, or stop by our South Sioux City Extended Campus at 1001 College Center, South Sioux City.